The importance of keeping your computer secure with antivirus and firmware is a well-known fact. Nowadays, cyber-attacks or data theft are a common topic not only for large companies but also for individuals. But what about your printer? Many of us still don't realize that these attacks and thefts by all kinds of crooks involve not only computer data, but also printers. Don't you think it's pointless to address this? Here are reasons why you shouldn't take it lightly and how to prevent your data from being leaked.
If you have a large company, your data may be of interest to "clever" hackers, for example, who will then demand a ransom if you want to get your data back. Others who might be interested in your data are your competitors or even your own employees. Why the competitors? Simple. Either they want to know your company plans, go over contracts with your clients and possibly take them over, or steal your original ideas. Data can be accessed through wireless connections, which many printers are already using in this modern age, which is why these attacks are on the rise.
So now you know that theft can be committed remotely, but also physically.
How can you prevent physical ones?
Lock your printer to unauthorised persons - Do you have the option to give your printer the privilege of a separate locked room? This solution can only be effective if the printer is used by a minimum of employees. If there were more employees and everyone needed to use the printer more often, it would not be very convenient for anyone to rotate keys to the printer room, or many people would already have keys and it would lose the effect. Everyone would have keys and you could lose track of who is using the printer.
Secure printing with an NFC card - These identification cards with NFC (a wireless technology that allows fast and secure communication at a distance of up to 4 cm) are a great solution not only because you have to prove your identity and enter a PIN code to enter the printer interface, but also thanks to this solution, there is no risk that the printed documents will lie in the printer for a long time before someone collects them, as this would be very easy prey for thieves. For each print you have to walk to the printer and insert the NFC card, and by then you will surely wait for your prints and take them out straight away.
Tip: You can also find PVC cards and card printers in our product range.
Why would hackers want to steal data from a printer? Precisely because printer security is underestimated by many companies and people, or they don't know they should care, so it's often more tempting for them.
What can you do to avoid cyber attacks?
If you're getting a new printer, make sure it has proper security features (boot code integrity verification, firmware digital signature verification and use of modern protocols for encrypted network communication). This is because some printer manufacturers do not focus much on security features, and some focus very closely.
Sarah from CDRmarket